A few ways folks could look at this. The dark side (cue Vader breathing) would tell you that they are 'hurting' in sales and it is a gimmick to get folks to be interested in the game. There may be some validity to that, but I don't think it is the primary motivation from Privateer Press.
My view is that putting the rules out there, complete, but not in the most optimal viewing format, gives people the a great chance to look at the rules and get excited. My guess is that they will only loose about 1-5% of sales from folks that are too cheap to buy the books as many of the loyal players will still want a nice, full color, bounded, heavy graphics version for themselves. I think this moves give Privateer a great way to connect with their fan base.
On the flip side, they have thrown out the lawyers on the stat cards. I see the fear here on their part, but to be honest, if nobody is selling them, then it shouldn't impact sales too badly. I don't think the lawyers need to get involved honestly as long as the IP is not being sold.
Love these IP discussions? I would recommend reading techdirt. They have a great writer that covers modern media issues as they relate to privacy and intellectual property. Good reading that is usually on my list every day.
More gaming news after my trip!
Magnus with Snipe is Cool!
Yeah The Traitor is pretty ridiculous now. More fair for Agenda contracts if he remains its only caster, but still almost sickeningly good.
Not sure how I feel about the Trencher smoke clouds now, though.
Are they not going to include cards with the models anymore? Seems a silly thing to get worked up about as:
1) You need the model to play
2) You get a card with the model
3) A card without a model will only let you play with proxies - i.e. non-official events.
I think the legal types need to ratchet things down a notch.
The common 'myth' is that if you do not use protect all your vigorously all the time, it is not IP. Bagh!
Well, to be fair, you do have to actively defend a trademark, but too many people confuse the need to defend your trademark with needing to actively defend any IP.
This is one conversation you do not want me getting started on...
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