Tuesday, October 19, 2010

Dominion Play

The eldest and I got to play some Dominion after dinner tonight.

We did three games with me taking two and her stomping me on the third.  Just took her a while to get warmed up I guess!

I'm going to try and sign up for the FoW tournament at the Game Shoppe on the the 30th.  I haven't played in about 6 months so it is about time to get stomped there too. I'll have to dust off the Italians.

Not much new going on.  Hope to go see RED this weekend and looking forward to The Walking Dead on Halloween.

What me game?


Unknown said...

I'mpretty stoked about Walking Dead myself, having all the released trades. Should be good!

Zarzthor said...

I can't wait to see them both.

I wouldn't worry about not playing FOW for 6 months. I'll be playing a army I've never played. Plus there are going to be several new/newish players.