Where I discuss the current games I may or may not be running and other of life's ramblings...
Sunday, June 28, 2009
Home again, home again...
Thursday, June 25, 2009
Back in the Hospital
Wednesday, June 24, 2009
Sorry no gaming. :(
Wednesday, June 17, 2009
A little behind...
Wednesday, June 10, 2009
The one where I play a miniature game...
On Tuesday, I went to The Game Shoppe and played a game of Warmachine with Dan because he had the day off. We threw down a 1000 point game that was really fun and swayed back and forth.
Dan played Khador with Irusk and Sorscha as his casters. Going from memory, he had Beast-09, Fenrris, Dragoon, Yuri and two buddies, a unit of Doom Reavers, Widowmakers, Kell Bailock, full unit of Demo Corp, Kuldon Lord w/ Maruder jack, War Dog w/ Sorscha, and the Grey Lords.
I played Mangus the Warlord and Gorten Grundback. Magnus had a bonded Mangler and 2 Renegades, one with a bond, and Gorten had Wroughthammer Rockram. Once again from memory, I also had Dirty Meg w/ a Mule, Thor Stienhammer w/ a Blaster, MacDougle, Alyana and Holt, Piper of Ord, a minimum unit of Steelheads and Hammerfall High Shields, Eiyrss and Kell Bailock.
I had the first turn and risked an obliterator on the perched Widowmakers but it missed horribly and otherwise advanced forward with Eiyrss swinging wide to the right. Dan took the opportunity to ping some Jacks, but no real damage as his forces began to swing around my left. Dan's Manhunter took an opportunity to beat up on the Blaster.
My second turn, I charged the Manhunter with the Steelheads and had Kell come out of the woods to shoot the second Manhunter in the face. That was satisfying. I spent the second obliterator shot at Fenrris, but it missed, only clipping him to knock him down. I moved up all of Magnus' battlegroup and popped 'Kill Box' to trap his Doom Reavers and his Beast09 (with Superiority on it!) and a few others. Meg's Mule shot and missed again, a theme that would repeat often. Gorten's little legs continued to move forward with the rest of the miniatures. Eiyrss continued her sprint down the right side of the board. Dan sent the Koldon Lord and Maurader and Grey Lords to the left to deal with Kell and Eiyrss, killing Eiyrss with the Grey Lords. The trapped Doom Reavers were still able to charge in on the Mangler and the Demo Corp that were not trapped had a boundless charge on one that charged the Wroghthammer and the rest attacked some Steelheads. I lost several (all but one) steelhead and a few Gun Shields to sniper fire.
Turn Three wasn't looking too good at the start, but it worked out well, to bad Dan's turn three was better. I used Gorten's Land Slide feat to move the Doom Reavers and some of the Demo Corp into better positions. With what is left of my Jacks and solos, we dropped a Mule shot on the Demo Corp with no crit. The loan Steelhead took out a damaged Demo due to the Def lost from Landslide. At the end of the turn I had taken the Widowmakers down to one, who passed the test, finished the Demo Corp, but only did one to the Doom Reavers. On Dan's turn, he used the Doom Reavers to clear a path for the Beast-09 which used boundless charge and the Supremacy speed boost to charge Magnus. It did a good job of finishing off Magnus and a few other things. By the end of the turn, Sorscha had moved around the woods and Icy Gazed everything I had left, which wasn't much.
My turn four consisted of a fleeing Holt and having him being chopped down by Doom Reaver. On the bottom of the fourth, Dan used Beast-09 and Sorsha to finally chop Gorton down to size... Even smaller size.
On other news I picked up the Attack! and Attack! Expansion at the Shoppe. Having played once and looking at the rules, I think a few house rules may be in order. First is to lower the Technology cost from 10 start to a 9 start so we can get some of those cool things into effect. Also the Technology stealing action card should allow the original owner to keep the tech... How do you forget to do something? Finally I think we need to look at some of the minor mods to the Democratic player. It just seems really hard/tough to pull off a win with the current constraints.
Beast-09 is poop!
Sunday, June 7, 2009
Saturday Game and Attack
- Not locked in historical sets, but scenarios exist to do so if you like
- Several build options
- Political/Covert play
- Land combat quick and easy
- Huge Board
- Clearly defined end game that doesn't include killing every thing on the board
- Two too many combat systems that could be streamlined
- Board only has one map. Eagle actually paid to print on the back of the huge board, why not make up your own globe for a different game play?
- Technology to hard to get... We only had one in our game
- Might needs some balancing with the VP conditions
Friday, June 5, 2009
Retribution of Scyrah
Thursday Night Board Game Action
Monday, June 1, 2009
Review: Level Up Issue 1
- An adventure (5-7 encounters) - This months was a Hill Giant with some Ogres and Dinosaurs.
- A player character section that adds some new Paragon Paths and powers
- A Bestiary, which expands on the dinosaurs in the adventure
- A Pantheon expansion, assuming it comes from a Goodman Games world. It also include new feats, weapons, and Paragon Paths
- Azagar's Advice a cute take from an imprisoned hobgoblin on what adventures do badly. It also contains some interesiting feats for each tier that could provide some new fun.
- A GM Section. This one provides 'templates' that you can apply to a creature to make it different. In this case the demon/devil focus to create things like Demon Knights (Fear the Gnomic Demon Knight!), Hellbeasts, and Hellfire Adepts.
- Power Skins is an interesting concept where the flavor text and name of a power are changed to fit a campaign/player style. Kind of 'techish' in a way, but it is a different approach.
- An Encounter: A complex encounter with multiple skill checks and combat situation that is furnished with a detailed map. This one looks pretty involved and is pretty interesting.
- Short Reviews: Well... This part was weak. Really. I like short reviews, no problem, but when the lowest thing you rank is 4 out of 6 or a 'Solid Product' your average score on the products you reviewed was a 5/6 or 'Great product, a must buy. You shouldn't be playing with out this!' Really? Nothing sucked? OK.
- Tool Kit: a quick filler this time that give a quick way to give 'impressive names' to those old enemies. I liked Tunderpants myself and I'll be sure to name the next Orc leader that!
- Advise, in the form of Dar Archmage Abby... Nothing earth shattering here, just the typical gaming advice column.