Thursday, March 19, 2009

Don't Panic

Alrighty then...

The Elder had a job placement meeting today after getting hired at a local 'specialty gift distributor' that I planned to take off a bit early for work. Got to work VERY early at 630 plus stayed to 6 the night before. While I am at work the following goes down:

- Elder in tears that the shift she was promised won't be via her local friend... Panic ensues because...
- Elder pops that she has decided to stay in the Big O for another six months and get an apartment with said local friend that also was suppose to get the same shift, but...
- Said shift conflicts with school currently in progress...
- The Other Half thinks the Elder ought to drop the new job, and just find a new one...
- Elder is not just bent upon this job, but nearly hell bent! The hopes of the free world may just depend on this job! Oh, and she is staying because the boy friend's mother (all back in Colorado) lost her job and the job market is very bad in the Springs. More panic ensues...
- Elder forgets birth certificate half way to the placement session, turn car around back to house, get certificate and back again. Lucky I have a thing for being late and this made us only about 10 mins early after a bite to eat.
- Elder comes back to car after placement thingy... Big misunderstanding, still gets the same shift... All is right in the world... Thank God! Can you say "Drama!" boys and girls? Good kid, but man...

Not much of a gaming update.

Played a quick game of Race for the Galaxy after the Drama above and before I dropped her off at work. I got smoked. She played the 6 cost development card that grants -2 to building other developments then proceeded to drop no less then four 6-cost development cards... 68 VP to my 43 VP. I was kicking her tail with a mining world plan, and kept hunting for the mining 6-cost development, but she had in her hand, waiting to play.

Tonight I 'plan' to get off this dang box and go base my War of the Rings Dwarves. Any second now...

At least I know where my towel is...


Zarzthor said...

I feel your pain. While I miss the ex-family at times. I definitely do not miss the inevitable drama that showed up every couple of days.

Unknown said...

Drama = Suck

Life is too short to get spooled up over every little detail.
