Wednesday, May 13, 2009

T -5


With five days to go, here is the latest.  The liquid diet is not nearly as bad as I thought it was going to be.  Don't get me wrong, it's not a cheeseburger and fries, but it is passable.  I'm down to 306, so 12 pounds down, just from the liquid diet and the exercise. The Whey Protein shakes are really not bad.  I have noticed that my button up work shirt is not stressing as bad as last week, so we have no worries about exploding-button eye injuries.  Glad we missed that one! 

I keep getting asked at work, "When are you out again?"  Like two or three times from the same people.  Hmmm…  Not that hard folks.  Other then that they seem to be supportive.  It will be tough on the office as it is the same time that a co-worker is being deployed to Afghanistan for a year.  That means our five man shop will be down to three for about month.

No real news on the gaming front, which by definition sucks.  I just haven't had a chance to do much since Saturday as I missed Tuesday's Warmachine night.  I've been playing a bit of Civilization IV on the side with the occasional Spider Solitaire game as well, but just haven't had the opportunity to do any real gaming or initiative to do any painting.  This weekend isn't looking much better either as I've got a bazillion things to do before the surgery.

Tonight is the season finale of 'Lost'.  Should be a bit exciting as they have been building up a conclusion to a great season.  There is only one more season to go and to be honest the final season will be quite intriguing. 

MMmmm…  Whey….


Ellros said...

>> Tonight is the season finale of 'Lost'. Should be a bit exciting as they have been building up a conclusion to a great season. There is only one more season to go and to be honest the final season will be quite intriguing. <<

That's how I'd end this season.

Unknown said...

I saw that... Quite funny and I had to pull Phyl into the room to see it as she watches with me.
